A knowledgeable man (or woman) is worth two. This applies to everything, including preparing for an assessment center. Make sure you are ready to start the day well prepared.
Check out the job description and the assessment center program carefully, as well as the type of assignments you will be asked to do. It is best to request this information from the organisation for which you are applying or from the consultancy firm that carries out the assessment.
Be sure to also ask about the course of the program, the type of simulations and the competencies that are being assessed. This way, you know what to expect.
Have faith in yourself and approach the assessment center with a positive attitude!
In addition to being informed, it is important to prepare yourself. First of all, by knowing where the assessment takes place. This will give you peace of mind and will ensure that you can get started smoothly.
So find out where you have to be, possibly look up the b in advance. This will prevent you from becoming stressed because you do not know the way. Do you prefer to go by public transport? Then check whether there are any buses or trains running to the venue.
Also make sure that you are well on time. This will avoid the stress of thinking you are going to be late. Check again who you have an appointment with and at what time, so there are no surprises later.
Secondly, you can - as far as possible - try to practice in advance important skills that you need for your job.
If the job vacancy calls for proficiency in specific programs, you can be tested on these. Think about Excel, for example. Chances are you will be asked to do a sample task at the assessment.
So be prepared and polish your skills before you take the assessment. This will enable you to confidently use the programme on the test.
Finally, take care of yourself on the day of your assessment: put on an appropriate outfit and you will appear much more self-assured. Moreover, this way you will make a good first impression, which is also important.
What exactly is requested? Often - usually under the influence of stress - mistakes are made during the execution of an assignment that are due to a careless reading of the instruction.
People look at the question briefly and then immediately set to work. A missed opportunity that unfortunately causes many misunderstandings. So, read the questions and instructions twice before you start the assignment.