Introducing Purple Management© in your organization means consciously adopting a win-win philosophy: no 'or', no dilemmas but invariably '&' solutions and opportunities.
A strong organization consists of functional systems, but more importantly, strong people, a powerful vision and connecting leadership. If people invariably choose to manage ‘Purple’ it generates a flywheel effect to movements, a positive spiral. For every dilemma becomes an opportunity simply by asking the & question and finding & solutions.
Instead of talking about reconciling differences, we focus on ways to strengthen each other:
- How can we achieve the organization's mission by leveraging the passion of employees? Likewise, how can we leverage employees' passions and thereby realize our mission?
- How can we provide opportunities for growth and development & thus become more competitive as an organization?
- How can we offer degrees of freedom to colleagues and encourage work-life-balance & as an organization increase our flexibility and customer focus?
Every day, Quintessence invites CEOs, business leaders and HRDs to 'purple' their organization. And this on as many facets as possible. With great success.
And you? Test here how purple your organisation is!
Purple management is not difficult. Organizations can strengthen themselves sustainably by paying attention to the following 4 crucial Cs: continuity, competence, compatibility and commitment.